Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A visit to the Highland Safaris

Highland Safaris is a company situated in the tiny hamlet of Dull. I kid you not. Dull is twinned with Boring, Oregon. Anyway, as the name indicates, they arrange various kinds of safaris, if you can call it that, taking tourists out to try and glimpse Scottish wildlife in their natural settings. They also offer a much cheaper and less time consuming activity, namely feeding of red deer. Ever the sucker for big eyes and a wet snout, I signed up. Here are some of my pics.

Eyeing me skeptically.

I had food, so for five seconds we were the bestestest of friends. They give you a small cup of pellets at the beginning.

What is this? An empty hand? Hrmph!

Mr Deer was a friendly fella. Beautiful antlers, which they drop in March or April each year. They then grow out again in less than four months. Also, the old story that you can tell a deer's age by how many points there are on his antlers is apparently bullshit.

He had perfected the pleading look.

And would tilt his head to look cuter.

And then ruin it all by sticking his tongue out like a retard.


I scratched the other buck, his father, between the antlers. He got a dreamy look and forgot about food for a few seconds.

This one would also let the kids scratch and pet him.

Our guide was called Andy and was very knowledgeable and witty. He told a family that sat next to me that one deer had died from lead poisoning. When they all went "aaaaawww" he deadpanned "yeah, a bullet". Well played, Sir, Well played.

After the deer, we were shown a tame barnowl. The highlight of this session was when the owl flew up on the television set and refused to come down.

In flight. I actually petted it and they're unbelievably soft to the touch.

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